Stars of Tomorrow Commercial Jackpot Heifer Calf

born on or after January 1, 2024, minimum of three (3) months of age on day of Judging.

  1. BOSS LAKE MS ELLE 415M, 1475053
    Boss Lake Genetics, Parkland County, AB
  2. BLACK GOLD MS HAYLEIGH 96M, 1475083
    Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK
  3. PAW MADONNA 460M, BPRS1468298
    Southpaw Cattle Company, Carstairs, AB
  4. Maggie 3m, X
    Blanchette Ranch ltd, Marwayne, AB
  5. WFL Red Countess 4002M, 1472833
    Fahey Cattle Co. LTD, Big Valley, AB
  6. WFL CREAM SODA 4009M, 1472840
    Martin Cattle Services, Stettler, AB