Any Standard Breed Rabbit

  1. Sr Netherland Dwarf Doe Black Otter
    Owen Harlow, Cameron, ON
  2. Avalanch
    Abbie Stephens, Pontypool, ON
  3. Blue Jr
    Nicole Palmateer, Barrie, ON
  4. Buttons
    Brenna McCarrey, Ariss, ON
  5. Jax
    Layla Novotny, Ariss, ON

Any Pet Rabbit

This class is for pet owners only, "open class" competitors are ineligible for entry in this class

  1. Cookie
    Avery Harper, Picton, ON
  2. Pearl
    Ramona Roblin, Picton, ON
  3. twilight
    Reed Bellis, Welland, ON


3 rabbits of a standard breed to be judged and placed by the exhibitor with reasons given (Animals provided)

  1. Ben Gilbank, Oakwood, ON
  2. Ramona Roblin, Picton, ON
  3. Reed Bellis, Welland, ON