Female Calf Born In 2016 Min. 3 Months Of Age - Heat #6

Born between January 1st, 2016 and August 1st, 2016

  1. WLL DIXIE 29D, C03018708
    Int Div Champion Female Calf
    Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON
  2. Elm-Lodge Dixie Chick 20D, C03019724
    Elmlodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON
  3. MHPH 106A HENRIETTA 124D {DLF IEF HYF}, C03021610
    Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON
  4. Trent-Hill Doris 1D, C03019897
    Trent-Hill Farm, Hastings, ON