Female Calf Born Feb 1, 2019

Born between February 1st, 2019 and August 1st, 2019

  1. RICK-SHA QUEEN'S GEM, 1285300 (heat #1)
    Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON
  2. FUSION GLITZ & GLAM, 1274974 (heat #2)
    Junior Champion Heifer Calf - Reserve
    Fusion Livestock, Metcalfe, ON
  3. STEWART GUCCI GIRL, 1288310 (heat #3)
    Junior Champion Heifer Calf
    Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  4. JUSTABOUT GLOW GIRL, 1288130 (heat #1)
    Ron & Linda Stewart & Sons, Newbury, ON
  5. VELIAN DIVINE INTERVENTION 8G, 1271718 (heat #2)
    Velian Farms, Roslin, ON
  6. FUSION GLAMOUR GIRL, 1275030 (heat #3)
    Fusion Livestock, Metcalfe, ON
  7. MAST-R MAYBALENE 97G, 1290705 (heat #1)
    Mast-R, Melbourne, QC
  8. BARLEE LATISHA 93G, 1284287 (heat #2)
    Barlee Simmentals, Shawville, QC
  9. RPCC RED GEM 252G, 1278797 (heat #3)
    River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
  10. VELIAN GUILTY CONSCIENCE 16G, 1276451 (heat #1)
    Velian Farms, Roslin, ON
  11. IRCC GLAMOUR 935G, 1278160 (heat #2)
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON
  12. BLACKRIVER MONEY GIRL 13G, 1284247 (heat #3)
    Black River Farms, Sutton, ON
  13. IRCC CLYD GEMMA 985G, 1281308 (heat #1)
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON
  14. KDL DUNRAVENS GIRLY GIRL, 1282394 (heat #2)
    Dunraven Simmentals, Calumet Island, QC
  15. BRANDLEE GORGEOUS, BPG1277145 (heat #3)
    Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON
  16. DEK POLLED GIGI 31G, 1284138 (heat #1)
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  17. IRCC GLASS SLIPPER 941G, 1281271 (heat #2)
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON
  18. KINGFIELD GWEN, 1291982 (heat #3)
    Kingfield Farms, Maple, ON
  19. DEK GISELLE 27G, 1284137 (heat #1)
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  20. J-STAR AMBER MOON 925G, 1282324 (heat #2)
    J-Star Livestock, Beachburg, ON

Female Calf Born Jan 1 - Jan 31, 2019

Born between January 1st, 2019 and January 31st, 2019

  1. PLL KENDRA'S GEM 3G, 1283235 (heat #1)
    Senior Calf Champion
    Leahy Livestock, Douro, ON
  2. STEWART GRACIOUS WOMAN, 1288313 (heat #2)
    Senior Calf Champion - Reserve
    Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  3. DESTINY HIGH HEELS, 1276068 (heat #3)
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
  4. ACADEMY HILL GERTIE 5G, 1278113 (heat #4)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  5. ACADEMY HILL GIDGET 3G, 1278112 (heat #5)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  6. JUSTABOUT BLACK GIRL, 1289198 (heat #1)
    Ron & Linda Stewart & Sons, Newbury, ON
  7. WKF FLASHBACK 32G, 1284565 (heat #2)
    Windy Knoll Farm, Kingston, NS
  8. MAPLE STONE GEE DELICIOUS 3G, 1278446 (heat #3)
    Maple Stone Farm, East Garafraxa, ON
  9. MAPLE STONE GUCCI BOOTS 1G, 1278441 (heat #4)
    Maple Stone Farm, East Garafraxa, ON
  10. JETSTREAM GEORGINA 2G, 1288356 (heat #5)
    Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON
  11. WISERS CRUELLA GUCCI 206G, 1277981 (heat #1)
    Wiser Heights Stock Farms, Thorndale, ON
  12. JETS/KEY AMAZING GRACE 30G, 1288359 (heat #2)
    Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON
  13. BARLEE LEXI LOU 92G, 1284281 (heat #3)
    Barlee Simmentals, Shawville, QC
  14. TONETTE GEORGIA PEACH, 1280759 (heat #4)
    Tonette Simmentals, Havelock, ON
  15. WHITEWATER GRAPHITE 9G, 1279198 (heat #5)
    Whitewater Livestock, Haley Station, ON
  16. XCEL PHCC EBONYS GLORY DAYS, 1278506 (heat #1)
    Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON
  17. DONOVANDALE GLITTER, 1282708 (heat #2)
    Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON
  18. JETSTREAM RPLUS GEMINI 18G, 1288561 (heat #3)
    Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON
  19. DONOVANDALE GLAMOUR, 1280585 (heat #4)
    Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON
  20. CEDAR CREEK DOTTY, 1288008 (heat #5)
    Cedar Creek Simmentals, Ennismore, ON
  21. BRANDLEE BLACK GOLD 104G, 1285332 (heat #1)
    Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON
  22. BROOKSLAND GYPSY 312G, 1282508 (heat #2)
    Brooksland Farm, Paris, ON
  23. ALLIANCE DOUBLE BLACK SARAH, 1275802 (heat #3)
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  24. IRCC GOLDEN ROSE 906G, 1285140 (heat #4)
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON
  25. RICK-SHA GIRL CRUSH, 1285241 (heat #1)
    Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON
  26. KINGFIELD MISS 3G, 1291981 (heat #2)
    Kingfield Farms, Maple, ON
  27. RPCC BLK GLITTER 216G, 1278793 (heat #3)
    River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
  28. RVCC BLK GIN N PEPSI 05G ET, 1278983 (heat #4)
    Ridgeview Cattle Company, Lambton Shores, ON
  29. MAPLEROSE MISS STELLA, 1289999 (heat #3)
    Maplerose Farms, Priceville, ON

Female Calf - Percentage Born Jan 1st

Born between January 1st, 2019 and August 31st, 2019

  1. BWCC SWEET DREAM 304G, 1284523
    Watson Cattle Co., Appin, ON
  2. D&S-JDL GLOW 222Z 201G, 1278162
    D&S Livestock & JDL Cattle co, Mulmur, ON
  3. COMA GECKO 3G, 1288280
    Chatham-Kent, Thamesville, ON
  4. JASE GOOSEBUMPS, 1277336
    Tonette Simmentals, Havelock, ON

Female Yearling - Percentage Born Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2018

Born between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018

  1. VSC FLURRY 7F, 1270466
    Champion Percentage Female
    VanEsse Show Cattle, Brigden, ON
    Champion Percentage Female - Reserve
    Scott Show Cattle, Drumbo, ON
  3. WEBSTER FEONIX 8F, 1241960
    Madison Webster, Manilla, ON
    Scott Show Cattle, Drumbo, ON
  5. IRCC F1 QUEEN 842F, 1252969
    Fallis Land & Cattle, Selwyn, ON

Female Junior Yearling - Born Sept 1 - Dec 31, 2018

Born between September 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018

Female Intermediate Yearling - Born Mar 1 - Aug 31, 2018

Born between March 1st, 2018 and August 31st, 2018

  1. IRCC BR FRUITY TOOTY 867F, 1241216 (heat #1)
    Crooked Creek Farms, Lucknow, ON
  2. STEWART FRANCHESCA, 1250244 (heat #2)
    Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  3. DEK POLLED HASHTAG, 1248405 (heat #1)
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  4. JP FIONA 2F, 1247455 (heat #2)
    Jeannette Herrema, Uxbridge, ON
  5. DEK POLLED FRIEDAI 17F, 1284143 (heat #1)
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  6. IRCC FLICKER 853F, 1241512 (heat #2)
    Maple Stone Farm, East Garafraxa, ON
  7. PLL JOY'S FLORA 5F, 1273730 (heat #1)
    Madison Webster, Manilla, ON
  8. DEK FUTURE 5F, 1248404 (heat #2)
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  9. CAMERON FAST TRACK 89F, 1245527 (heat #1)
    Cameron Farms and Ranching, Woodville, ON

Female Senior Yearling - Born Jan 1 - Feb 28, 2018

Born between January 1st, 2018 and February 28th, 2018

  1. RPCC BLK FRISKY 248F, 1246740 (heat #1)
    Junior Champion Female
    Grand Champion Female - Reserve
    Grace Kuhl, Tara, ON
  2. FARL MS FROLIC, 1243717 (heat #2)
    KJO Cattle Co, Priceville, ON
  3. IRCC FANDANGO 818F, 1241510 (heat #3)
    Junior Champion Female - Reserve
    Cameron Farms and Ranching, Woodville, ON
  4. MAPLE KEY RUN AROUND SUE, 1253055 (heat #4)
    Maple Key Farm, Port Elgin, ON
  5. DUNRAVENS FOXY LADY, 1252647 (heat #1)
    Dunraven Simmentals, Calumet Island, QC
  6. IRCC FLOPPY 830F, 1241533 (heat #2)
    Maple Stone Farm, East Garafraxa, ON
  7. BARLEE ENVY 2F, 1248265 (heat #3)
    Megens Cattle Company, Goodwood, ON
  8. IRCC KT FLIRTIN' 813F, 1238118 (heat #4)
    Maple Stone Farm, East Garafraxa, ON
  9. MFR CANDACE 3F, 1268351 (heat #1)
    McCormack Family Ranch, Grenfell, SK
  10. BARLEE MIRAGE 6F, 1248779 (heat #2)
    Barlee Simmentals, Shawville, QC
  11. TSN MS ALLIANCE 45F, 1255297 (heat #3)
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
  12. JAMG MISS CASABELLA 1F, 1246080 (heat #4)
    Dunraven Simmentals, Calumet Island, QC
  13. RICK-SHA FLIRT, 1249217 (heat #1)
    Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON
  14. WISERS ABRAXIS FREIA 210F, 1237969 (heat #2)
    Wiser Heights Stock Farms, Thorndale, ON
  15. SFI MISS CAPTIVATING F9, 1274029 (heat #3)
    Black River Farms, Sutton, ON
  16. IRCC FANTASIA ET 802F, 1238122 (heat #4)
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON
  17. JETSTREAM FIRST CLASS 49F, 1245150 (heat #1)
    Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON
  18. BARLEE HUGS N KISSES 7F, 1248261 (heat #2)
    Brooksland Farm, Paris, ON
  19. RHF MISS MORGAN STYLE 815F, 1244377 (heat #3)
    Kelway Livestock, Bothwell, ON
  20. BRANDLEE FIRE FLY 61F, 1252236 (heat #4)
    Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON
  21. MAST-R FANNY 7F, 1244342 (heat #1)
    Mast-R, Melbourne, QC
  22. BROADVIEW MISS FIREFLY, 1242718 (heat #2)
    Megan Prouse, Janetville, ON
  23. BROOKSLAND HENNESSEY 10F, 1245056 (heat #3)
    Brooksland Farm, Paris, ON
  24. BROOKSLAND DEE 242F, 1245059 (heat #4)
    Brooksland Farm, Paris, ON
  25. RHF STYLE CONNIE 827E, 1244379 (heat #3)
    Kelway Livestock, Bothwell, ON

Female Born In 2017, With 2019 Calf at Foot

Born between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017

  1. BLACKRIVER MS. IVANKA 95E, 1214063
    Senior Champion Female
    Grand Champion Female
    Supreme Champion Simmental / The Irish Simmental Cattle Society
    Mast-R, Melbourne, QC
  2. RJY CAROLINA 40E, 1204956
    Senior Champion Female - Reserve
    J-Star Livestock, Beachburg, ON
  3. JETSTREAM EMERALD 18E, 1201336
    Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  5. WF DREAM 1E, 1213249
    Barlee Simmentals, Shawville, QC
  6. MFR DREAMING DIXIE 6E, 1213613
    McCormack Family Ranch, Grenfell, SK
  7. KELWAY ELSI 6E, 1214490
    Kelway Livestock, Bothwell, ON
    Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON

Female Born Prior To January 1st, 2017 With 2019 Calf at Foot

Born before January 1st, 2017

    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  2. IRCC DEBUTANTE 634D, 1174633
    Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON

Bull Calf Born Jan 1 2019, Minimum 3 Months of Age

Born between January 1st, 2019 and August 1st, 2019

  1. DESTINY GURU, 1289881 (heat #1)
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
  2. ALLIANCE DARK NIGHT, 1275805 (heat #2)
    Champion Bull Calf - Reserve
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  3. RPCC RED GERONIMO 201G, 1278791 (heat #3)
    Champion Bull Calf
    Grand Champion Bull
    River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
  4. STEWART GUTSY MAN, 1288317 (heat #1)
    Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  5. ALLIANCE BLACK ACE, 1275806 (heat #2)
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  6. BRANDLEE GOLD DUST 5G, 1283333 (heat #3)
    Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON
  7. CEDAR CREEK DANNY BOY, 1288002 (heat #1)
    Cedar Creek Simmentals, Ennismore, ON
  8. J-STAR RED ACE 909G, 1282323 (heat #2)
    J-Star Livestock, Beachburg, ON
  9. ACADEMY HILL GIZMO 2G, 1278111 (heat #3)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Colborne, ON
  10. DONOVANDALE GODFATHER, 1289144 (heat #1)
    Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON
  11. BARLEE MR REMEDY 91G, 1284280 (heat #2)
    Barlee Simmentals, Shawville, QC
  12. WKF FULLY LOADED 1G, 1279855 (heat #3)
    Windy Knoll Farm, Kingston, NS
  13. DEK POLLED GALILEO 33G, 1284140 (heat #1)
    Champion Full Blood / Kern Simmentals
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  14. TONETTE GEORGE STRAIT, 1280762 (heat #2)
    Tonette Simmentals, Havelock, ON
  15. TODD GAME CHANGER 3G, 1278080 (heat #3)
    Todd Simmentals, Waterloo, QC
  16. JASPER-ROCK BAMM-BAMM, 1290927 (heat #1)
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  17. RICK-SHA GRAND SLAM, 1285237 (heat #2)
    Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON
  18. WKF ENCORE 5G, 1289710 (heat #3)
    Windy Knoll Farm, Kingston, NS
  19. DESTINY EQUITY, 1289884 (heat #1)
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON

Junior Yearling Bull Born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2018

Born between September 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018

  1. DESTINY RUSTIC, 1289877
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
    Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  3. ACADEMY HILL FALCON 12F, 1278109
    Sydney Magee, Colborne, ON

Senior Yearling Bull Born January 1 - Aug 31, 2018

Born between January 1st, 2018 and August 31st, 2018

    Champion Junior Bull
    Maple Key Farm, Port Elgin, ON
    Champion Junior Bull - Reserve
    Scott Show Cattle, Drumbo, ON
  3. FUSION FIRE BALL, 1230119
    Fusion Livestock, Metcalfe, ON
    Kern Simmentals, Hanover, ON
  5. JPH FARLEY 3F, 1290854
    Jason Hurst, Belwood, ON

Bull Born In 2017

Born between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017

  1. DESTINY BIG STAN, 1250342
    Grand Champion Bull - Reserve
    Senior Champion Bull
    Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
    Senior Champion Bull - Reserve
    Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON

Breeder's Herd

  1. River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
    Champion Breeder's Herd
  2. Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  3. Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  4. Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  5. Fusion Livestock, Metcalfe, ON
  6. Destiny Simmental, Meaford, ON
  7. Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON

Get Of Sire

  1. River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
    Champion Get of Sire
  2. Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  3. Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  4. Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON

Progeny Of Dam

  1. River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
    Champion Progeny of Dam
  2. Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON
  3. Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON
  4. Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON