Interior Provincial Exhibition Association
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Asters, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
Calendula, 3 blooms, 1 container
Cosmos, 3 sprays, 1 container
Decorative, 1 bloom over 10''
Decorative, 1 bloom 8'' to 10''
Decorative, 1 bloom 6'' to 8''
Decorative, 1 bloom 4'' to 6''
Cactus types, 1 bloom 4'' to 6''
Ball, 1 bloom, over 3½"
Decorative, miniature, under 4", 3 blooms, 1 variety, 1 container
Ball miniature, under 3½", 3 blooms, 1 variety, 1 container
Pom poms, 5 blooms, 1 container
1 container, miniature, 5 stems
Any other variety, not listed
Gladiolus, giant, 1 spike over 5½"
Gladiolus, large, 1 spike 4½'' - 5 ½''
Gladiolus, medium, 1 spike 3½'' to 4½''
Gladiolus, small, 1 spike 2½'' to 3½''
Gladiolus, miniature, 3 spikes up to 2½", 1 container
Gladiolus, not miniature, 5 spikes, 1 container, any colour
Helianthus (sunflower), 3 stems, 1 container
Marigolds, 1½" - 3" blooms, 1 container
Marigolds, miniature blooms, 1 container
Petunias, single with own foliage, 7 stems in bowl
Rudbeckia, variety named, 3 stems, 1 container
Snapdragons, standard variety, 5 spikes
Sweet Peas, 5 stems
Zinnia, any type, 5 blooms
Annual, any other type not listed, 3 stems, 1 container
Flowering shrub, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
Flowering perennial, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
1 H.T. red or red blend, variety named
1 H.T. yellow or yellow blend, variety named
1 H.T. pink, light, medium, dark or blend, variety named
1 H.T. apricot or apricot blend, variety named
1 H.T. mauve or mauve blend, variety named
1 H.T., fully open bloom of Hybrid Tea or Grandifloras, stamens may or may not be showing, side buds not allowed
1 H.T., 1 bud showing colour & not more than ¼ open
Floribundas, 1 spray any colour
Grandifloras, 3 stems any colour with or without side buds
David Austin, 1 spray any colour
Old Garden Rose, 1 stem any colour
Miniature Rose, 3 decorative blooms with or without side buds, 1 or more varieties, any colour
Fragrance, Old Garden Rose, any colour
Fragrance, any other type of rose, any colour
Tribute to Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Miniature arrangement not over 3"w x 3"h including container & base if used
Arrangement of flowers not over 5"w x 5"h
Arrangement for special occasion such as new baby, graduation, birthday, accessories allowed
Men only, arrangement novel container, not to exceed 24" in height or width, accessories allowed
Floral arrangement using a common household item, not a vase
Basket arrangement, flowers, mixed colours, handle of basket must be usable & accessible
Table arrangement, fresh with candle(s)
Christmas arrangement, accessories allowed
Autumn bounty, a design using at least four of the following: flowers, fruit, vegetables
Arrangement, Asian feeling, accessories allowed
Novel container of fresh flowers
Twins, a design using TWO (2) containers that reflect each other
Pattern in green, shades of green only a foliage & flower arrangement in nature's green hues
Ahh, the Roses, arrangement featuring roses
Snow White, arrangement using white flowers with foliage in a variety of nature's green hues
Teatime, arrangement using a teacup & saucer
Charitable donation: Make YOUR favourite arrangement in a vase you are happy to give away
African violet
Any other type flowering plant not listed
Foliage plant, one variety
Mix of foliage plants
Hanging foliage plant, non-bloomer
Hanging flowering plant, one variety
Mixed hanging basket, no size limit
Cacti &/or succulent plants, accessories allowed, novel container.
Dish garden/fairy garden, accessories allowed, maximum container size 12" W x 6" D
Flowering patio pot, annuals or perennials, pot not to exceed 24", across
Decorated hat using dried horticultural materials (seeds, grasses, flowers etc), accessories allowed
Floral wreath or swag using dried flowers, accessories allowed
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Arrangement of 2 - 3 varieties of annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Arrangement using 2-3 varieties of annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Unusual container of basket or potted plants, annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Pretty in pink, arrangement featuring pink blooms, 1 container
Frisbee pond garden, accessories allowed, 2-5 yrs old Ribbons only
Frisbee pond garden, accessories allowed 6-12 yrs old Ribbons only
Mud pie, decorated from nature such as flowers, leaves, seeds etc., ages 2-5 yrs Ribbons only
Mud pie, decorating from nature such as flowers, leaves, seeds etc., ages 6-12 yrs Ribbons only
Egg faces with green hair
Heavy Horse
Light Horse
Baking & Canning
Fancywork & Sewing
Field & Seed
Wine, Liqueurs and Beer
Show Results (2024)
1 H.T. apricot or apricot blend, variety named
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Asters, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
Calendula, 3 blooms, 1 container
Cosmos, 3 sprays, 1 container
Decorative, 1 bloom over 10''
Decorative, 1 bloom 8'' to 10''
Decorative, 1 bloom 6'' to 8''
Decorative, 1 bloom 4'' to 6''
Cactus types, 1 bloom 4'' to 6''
Ball, 1 bloom, over 3½"
Decorative, miniature, under 4", 3 blooms, 1 variety, 1 container
Ball miniature, under 3½", 3 blooms, 1 variety, 1 container
Pom poms, 5 blooms, 1 container
1 container, miniature, 5 stems
Any other variety, not listed
Gladiolus, giant, 1 spike over 5½"
Gladiolus, large, 1 spike 4½'' - 5 ½''
Gladiolus, medium, 1 spike 3½'' to 4½''
Gladiolus, small, 1 spike 2½'' to 3½''
Gladiolus, miniature, 3 spikes up to 2½", 1 container
Gladiolus, not miniature, 5 spikes, 1 container, any colour
Helianthus (sunflower), 3 stems, 1 container
Marigolds, 1½" - 3" blooms, 1 container
Marigolds, miniature blooms, 1 container
Petunias, single with own foliage, 7 stems in bowl
Rudbeckia, variety named, 3 stems, 1 container
Snapdragons, standard variety, 5 spikes
Sweet Peas, 5 stems
Zinnia, any type, 5 blooms
Annual, any other type not listed, 3 stems, 1 container
Flowering shrub, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
Flowering perennial, any type, 3 stems, 1 container
1 H.T. red or red blend, variety named
1 H.T. yellow or yellow blend, variety named
1 H.T. pink, light, medium, dark or blend, variety named
1 H.T. apricot or apricot blend, variety named
1 H.T. mauve or mauve blend, variety named
1 H.T., fully open bloom of Hybrid Tea or Grandifloras, stamens may or may not be showing, side buds not allowed
1 H.T., 1 bud showing colour & not more than ¼ open
Floribundas, 1 spray any colour
Grandifloras, 3 stems any colour with or without side buds
David Austin, 1 spray any colour
Old Garden Rose, 1 stem any colour
Miniature Rose, 3 decorative blooms with or without side buds, 1 or more varieties, any colour
Fragrance, Old Garden Rose, any colour
Fragrance, any other type of rose, any colour
Tribute to Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Miniature arrangement not over 3"w x 3"h including container & base if used
Arrangement of flowers not over 5"w x 5"h
Arrangement for special occasion such as new baby, graduation, birthday, accessories allowed
Men only, arrangement novel container, not to exceed 24" in height or width, accessories allowed
Floral arrangement using a common household item, not a vase
Basket arrangement, flowers, mixed colours, handle of basket must be usable & accessible
Table arrangement, fresh with candle(s)
Christmas arrangement, accessories allowed
Autumn bounty, a design using at least four of the following: flowers, fruit, vegetables
Arrangement, Asian feeling, accessories allowed
Novel container of fresh flowers
Twins, a design using TWO (2) containers that reflect each other
Pattern in green, shades of green only a foliage & flower arrangement in nature's green hues
Ahh, the Roses, arrangement featuring roses
Snow White, arrangement using white flowers with foliage in a variety of nature's green hues
Teatime, arrangement using a teacup & saucer
Charitable donation: Make YOUR favourite arrangement in a vase you are happy to give away
African violet
Any other type flowering plant not listed
Foliage plant, one variety
Mix of foliage plants
Hanging foliage plant, non-bloomer
Hanging flowering plant, one variety
Mixed hanging basket, no size limit
Cacti &/or succulent plants, accessories allowed, novel container.
Dish garden/fairy garden, accessories allowed, maximum container size 12" W x 6" D
Flowering patio pot, annuals or perennials, pot not to exceed 24", across
Decorated hat using dried horticultural materials (seeds, grasses, flowers etc), accessories allowed
Floral wreath or swag using dried flowers, accessories allowed
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Arrangement of 2 - 3 varieties of annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Theme "Denim in the Dirt"
Arrangement using 2-3 varieties of annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Unusual container of basket or potted plants, annuals, perennials or cacti/succulents
Pretty in pink, arrangement featuring pink blooms, 1 container
Frisbee pond garden, accessories allowed, 2-5 yrs old Ribbons only
Frisbee pond garden, accessories allowed 6-12 yrs old Ribbons only
Mud pie, decorated from nature such as flowers, leaves, seeds etc., ages 2-5 yrs Ribbons only
Mud pie, decorating from nature such as flowers, leaves, seeds etc., ages 6-12 yrs Ribbons only
Egg faces with green hair
Heavy Horse
Light Horse
Baking & Canning
Fancywork & Sewing
Field & Seed
Wine, Liqueurs and Beer