AOB Short Wool Ewe - Yearling - 3rd pair of temporary incisors must be in place

Born & bred in Canada

  1. Emke, EMKE
    AOB Short Wool Champion Ewe
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON
  2. Emke, EMKE
    AOB Short Wool Champion Ewe - Reserve
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON

AOB Short Wool Ewe - 1st pair of temporary incisors must be in place

  1. Emke, EMKE
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON
  2. Emke, EMKE
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON

AOB Short Wool Ram - Yearling - 3rd pair of temporary incisors must be in place

  1. Emke, EMKE
    AOB Short Wool Champion Ram
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON

AOB Short Wool Ram - 1st pair of temporary incisors must be in place

  1. Emke, EMKE
    AOB Short Wool Champion Ram - Reserve
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON

AOB Short Wool Breeder's Flock - bred and owned by Exhibitor

Group of 4 animals, both sexes to be represented. All animals in group to be one breed.

  1. Emke
    Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON

AOB Short Wool Get of Sire - Born the Property of the Exhibitor

Group of 3 animals, full mouth of milk teeth, by the same sire. Both sexes may be represented.

  1. Murray Emke, Elmwood, ON