Showmanship - 9-12 years of Age

  1. Alexandra Huth, Simcoe, ON
    Veit's Carmel
  2. Kailynn Parsons, Simcoe, ON
    Veit's Poppy
  3. Willow Hyatt, Delhi, ON
  4. Clea Kearns, Simcoe, ON
    Dickson's Butterscotch
  5. EVA Wierdrick, Waterford, ON
    Veit's Sherry
  6. Nathalie Davies-Hales, London, ON
  7. Nico Oud, Courtland, ON
    Veit's Joseph

Showmanship-13-16 years of Age

  1. NYA Ouellette, Scotland, ON
    Veit's Margie
  2. Garrin Springham, Delhi, ON
    Veit's William
  3. Chris Gowans, Simcoe, ON
    Veit's Katerina
  4. Mvita Oud, ON
    Hoping Lena
  5. Holly Carpenter, Scotland, ON

Showmanship - 17 - 21 years of Age

  1. Lily Davies-Hales, London, ON
  2. Rebekah Martin, Port Rowan, ON

Costume Class - Open

  1. Willow Hyatt, Delhi, ON
  2. Clea Kearns, Simcoe, ON
    Dickson's Butterscotch
  3. Alexandra Huth, Simcoe, ON
    Veit's Carmel
  4. Jordan Parsons, Simcoe, ON
    Dickson's Anna
  5. Stella McLarty, Windham Centre, ON
  6. EVA Wierdrick, Waterford, ON
    Veit's Sherry
  7. Mvita Oud, ON
    Peoples Choice
    Hoping Lena

Performance Class

  1. Garrin Springham, Delhi, ON
    Veit's William
  2. NYA Ouellette, Scotland, ON
    Veit's Margie
  3. Kailynn Parsons, Simcoe, ON
    Veit's Poppy
  4. Nathalie Davies-Hales, London, ON
  5. Nico Oud, Courtland, ON
    Veit's Joseph
  6. Mvita Oud, ON
    Hoping Lena