Junior Vegetables & Fruit
Show Results (2024)
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- Carrots, 3 roots, any variety (1" top left on).
- 3 red potatoes.
- 3 white potatoes.
- 3 onions, any variety.
- 3 heads of garlic.
- 3 red tomatoes, cherry (0-5 years of age, mark age).
- 3 red tomatoes, cherry (6-10 years of age, mark age).
- 3 red tomatoes, cherry (11-18 years of age, mark age).
- 3 red tomatoes, NOT cherry.
- 3 green tomatoes.
- 3 sweet peppers, any variety.
- 3 hot peppers, any variety.
- 3 ears of sweet corn.
- Butternut squash.
- Squash, any variety, named.
- Eggplant.
- Zucchini.
- 3 cucumbers.
- 3 beets (1" top left on).
- Pie pumpkin.
- Grapes, 1 bunch.
- 3 apples, named.
- 3 pears, named.
- Mud Pie decorated in a Fall Festival theme, using items from nature (10 & under, mark age).
- A collection of ORANGE coloured vegetables and/or fruit in a suitable container, not to exceed 9"x9" or 9" in diameter.
- A display from your vegetable garden for a center piece, in a suitable container.
- SPECIAL: Homemade stuffed scarecrow, entry NOT to exceed 1 meter on a firm base.
- SPECIAL: Make a jack-o-lantern displayed on a firm base, using only fruits and/or vegetables.
- SPECIAL: Decorate a fruit or vegetable to look like a sunflower head, on a firm base using only fruits and/or vegetables (10 & under, mark age).
- Tallest stock of corn, CUT OFF AT ROOT TOP (10 & under, mark age).
- Tallest stock of corn, CUT OFF AT ROOT TOP (11 & over, mark age).
- 3 ears of grain corn.
- 4 stalks of soybeans, CUT OFF AT ROOT.
- Hay, first cut grass.
- Hay, second cut legume.
- Hay, second cut grass.
- Hay, third cut legume.