Note or Greeting Card

  1. Sandra Busby, Peterborough, ON
  2. Sarah Busby, Peterborough, ON
  3. Amber Webber, Peterborough, ON

Article Made from Felt

  1. Linda Vassiliadis, Peterborough, ON
  2. Marilyn Wedlock, Peterborough, ON

Tablet Cover

  1. Marilyn Wedlock, Peterborough, ON

Stuffed Animal

  1. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON

Small Article Suitable for Bazaar - Less Than 6" or 15cm

  1. Esther Graham, Irondale, ON
  2. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON
  3. Gala Robinson, Peterborough, ON

Medium Article Suitable for Bazaar - 6" to 12" or 15cm to 30.5cm

  1. Amber Webber, Peterborough, ON
  2. Linda Vassiliadis, Peterborough, ON
  3. Marilyn Wedlock, Peterborough, ON

Large Article Suitable For Bazaar - More Than 12" or 30.5cm

  1. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON
  2. Alexander MacKenzie, Peterborough, ON
  3. Gala Robinson, Peterborough, ON

Article Made of Plastic Canvas - Less Than 6" or 15cm

  1. Kathleen Clodd, Peterborough, ON
  2. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON
  3. Gala Robinson, Peterborough, ON

Article Made of Plastic Canvas - 6" to 12" or 15cm to 30.5cm

  1. Gala Robinson, Peterborough, ON
  2. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON
  3. Kathleen Clodd, Peterborough, ON

Article Made of Plastic Canvas - More Than 12" or 30.5cm

  1. Kathleen Clodd, Peterborough, ON
  2. Gala Robinson, Peterborough, ON

Wind Chimes

  1. Marilyn Wedlock, Peterborough, ON

Kitchen Shower Gift, Items to be Hand made

  1. Linda Vassiliadis, Peterborough, ON
  2. Mary Kay, Douro-Dummer, ON
  3. Amber Webber, Peterborough, ON