Decorate a plain cookie. Decorating only will be judged.

Ages 3-5 years

  1. Ree Found, Picton, ON

Make a marshmallow creation

Ages 3 - 5

  1. Robert McGinnis, Picton, ON
    Best in Class A
  2. Ree Found, Picton, ON

Decorate a cupcake for a birthday. Decorating only to be judged.

Ages 3 - 5

  1. Lauren Montgomery, Consecon, ON

Rice Krispie Squares - 4 on a plate

Ages 6 - 8

  1. Albert McGinnis, Picton, ON

Cake, iced - cake mix can be used

Ages 6-8

  1. Olivia Gryce, Bloomfield, ON
    Best in Class B
  2. Virgil McLuhan, Bloomfield, ON
  3. Eli Boisvert, Demorestville, ON

Cookies - any variety 4 on a plate

Age 6 - 8

  1. Davanee Hoornweg, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Isla Nash, Wellington, ON
  3. Gwen Boisvert, Demorestville, ON

Trail Mix in a baggie - healthy snack

Ages 6 - 8

  1. Adam Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON

Cookies, any variety, 4 on a plate

Ages 9-11

  1. Lilliannah Hoornweg, Prince Edward, ON
  2. Audrey Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON
  3. Jesse Thompson, Picton, ON

Candy - any variety, 4 on a plate

Ages 9 -11

  1. Audrey Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON
    Best in Class C

Cookies - any variety, 4 on a plate

Ages 12 - 17 (chocolate chip cookies qualifies for District 3 competition)

  1. Reese Rowbotham, Picton, ON

Squares - any variety, 4 on a plate

12 - 17 yr olds

  1. Molly Carroll, Picton, ON
  2. Joy Dayton, Picton, ON

Candy , Any variety, 4 on a plate

12 to 17 year old

  1. Reese Rowbotham, Picton, ON

Pie - any fruit pie

12 - 17 yr olds

  1. Reese Rowbotham, Picton, ON
    Best Pie in Class C or D
    Best in class D