A collection of vegetables of any kind in basket, wheelbarrow, cart, etc.

Which may be decorated

  1. Hagerman Farms, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 1 - Collections
  2. Jennifer McCaw, Bloomfield, ON

Beauty & Bounty, collection of vegetables on lid, shallow basket or box etc

Flowers, fruit and foliage may also be used

  1. Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 1 - Collections
  2. Hagerman Farms, Picton, ON
  3. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON

Collection of Peppers, in shallow basket or lid

  1. Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 3 to 10
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON

Collection of Gourds

  1. Helaina Elliott, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Doug Peever, Bloomfied, ON
  3. Jenna DeMille, Picton, ON

Garden Herbs, assorted collection of 5 or more, named

  1. Laura Morden, Picton, ON
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Laura Bryan, Picton, ON

Tomatoes, display of mixed varieties, named

  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON

Tomatoes in shallow basket or lid

  1. Hagerman Farms, Picton, ON