
  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
  3. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON

What an Automobile

  1. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  2. Arlene Wright, Picton, ON
  3. Rosalind Leslie, Picton, ON

Relics of the Past

  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Laura Bryan, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 1 - 6
  2. Lindsay MacHell, Picton, ON
  3. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON


  1. Danya Slik, Picton, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Lesley Campbell, Picton, ON


  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Nicholas Rice, Picton, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Lindsay MacHell, Picton, ON
  3. Jane Winwood, Bloomfield, ON

Baby Animals

  1. Jackson Martin, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 7 to 11
  2. Lesley Campbell, Picton, ON
  3. Christy Boisvert, Demorestville, ON

Baby People

  1. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON


  1. Nicholas Rice, Picton, ON
  2. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
  3. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON


  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON


  1. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 12 to 17
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
    Amateur Photographer of the Year
  3. Rosalind Leslie, Picton, ON


  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  3. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON


  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON


  1. Suzie Poitras, Picton, ON
  2. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON


  1. Nancy Kish, Picton, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON

Panoramic - Any Subject

  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  3. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON


  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Cody-Rae Fowler, Picton, ON
  3. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON
  4. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  5. Cody-Rae Fowler, Picton, ON
  6. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON


  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Samantha Porter-Mills, Picton, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Krystie Rosborough, Demorestville, ON
  2. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
  3. Jane Winwood, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  3. Cody-Rae Fowler, Picton, ON


  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 18 to 26
  2. Ekem Dick, Picton, ON
  3. Janice Jackson, Ameliasburgh, ON


  1. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  2. Danya Slik, Picton, ON
  3. Arlene Wright, Picton, ON


  1. Suzie Poitras, Picton, ON
  2. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  3. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON


  1. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON


  1. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON
  2. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
  3. Charles Graham, Picton, ON

Single Flower/Bloom

  1. Danya Slik, Picton, ON
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Arlene Wright, Picton, ON

Garden/ Flower Group

  1. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
  2. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
  3. Claudette Marr, Consecon, ON


  1. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 27 to 34
  2. Claudette Marr, Consecon, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON


  1. Cindy Radner, Picton, ON
  2. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
  3. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON


  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
  3. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON


  1. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Lesley Campbell, Picton, ON
  3. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON


  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Charles Graham, Picton, ON
  3. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON

Action Shot

  1. Jackson Martin, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 35 to 40
    Best Photograph exhibited at the 2024 Fair
  2. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  3. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON

Comedy Shot (With Caption)

  1. Barb Fowler, Picton, ON
  2. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  3. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON

Favourite Photo

  1. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON
  2. Lesley Campbell, Picton, ON
  3. Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON

Night Shot

  1. Janice Ruggles-Bolton, Picton, ON
  2. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
  3. Larissa Lewis, Picton, ON


  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Christy Boisvert, Demorestville, ON
  3. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON

Anything "Purple"

  1. Brandi Rice, Picton, ON
  2. Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
  3. Rosalind Leslie, Picton, ON

Picton Fair Collage - The Theme "Fun at the Picton Fair"

on 18"x24" Bristol Board with 1"border all around

  1. Janyce Mann, Ameliasburg, ON
  2. Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
  3. Krystie Rosborough, Demorestville, ON