New Crop Milk Lamb weigh between 35-59 pounds

This Class has been developed to support the production of milk lambs that are being sold to the ethnic markets in Canada

  1. 30M, NA
    Champion New Crop Milk Lamb
    Lauren Cowan, Innisfil, ON
  2. Hips, P
    Champion New Crop Milk Lamb - Reserve
    Tony Irving, Lindsay, ON
  3. TBD, NA
    Cowan Acres, Innisfil, ON
  4. Lamb Chop, P
    Mayflower Farms - Tony Irving, Lindsay, ON
  5. Lamb, PENDING
    Mayflower Farms - Tony Irving, Lindsay, ON
  6. Emke, EMKE
    Tyson and Conor Emke, Elmwood, ON
  7. Emke, EMKE
    Emke Suffolks, Elmwood, ON
  8. 29M, NA
    Lauren Cowan, Innisfil, ON
  9. Emke, EMKE
    Cameron Clarke, Elmwood, ON