Senior Yearling Female Born In 2018

Born between January 1st, 2018 and January 31st, 2018

  1. BAR-J-M FIRST ROSE 12F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF}, C03046300 (heat #1)
    Intermediate Yearling Female Champion - Reserve
    Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON
  2. HARVIE OVHF RIESLING ET 3F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF}, C03050476 (heat #2)
    Intermediate Yearling Female Champion
    Grand Champion Female - Reserve
    Double H Cattle Company, McNab Braeside, ON
  3. WLL FIRST LADY 19F, C03045262 (heat #1)
    Double H Cattle Company, McNab Braeside, ON
  4. ELM-LODGE 322 FROSTY 2F, C03046269 (heat #2)
    Elmlodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON
  5. HARVIE MS UNLIMITED 81F, C03044875 (heat #1)
    KIDS CATTLE CO, North Gower, ON
  6. KIDS ABOUT FAITH 8C 1F, C03044463 (heat #2)
    KIDS CATTLE CO, North Gower, ON
  7. WLL FLASH 20F, C03048251 (heat #1)
    Iris Creek Farms, Paisley, ON
  8. ICF WILMA 100W 107F, C03046192 (heat #2)
    Iris Creek Farms, Paisley, ON
  9. DORBAY MISS MAPLE 405F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF}, C03047817 (heat #1)
    Swanridge Livestock, Elora, ON
  10. STONEWOOD SUSIE 6F, C03046052 (heat #2)
    Stonewood Grange, Lakefield, ON
  11. MBF 121C RACHELLE 108F, C03046135 (heat #1)
    Marbren Farm, Coldwater, ON
  12. SHADY-BIRCH FUSCIA 6F, C03045346 (heat #2)
    Shady Birch Farm, Grafton, ON
  13. STONE-HEDGE FARRAH 2F, C03049434 (heat #1)
    Stone Hedge Herefords, Pembroke, ON
  14. FARM-VIEW 2202D TAYLOR 317F, C03045652 (heat #2)
    Farm-View Polled Herefords, Coldwater, ON
  15. RVP 100W FANTASY 19F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF}, C03045584 (heat #2)
    Travis Angel, Newburgh, ON
  16. RBF 4R SMOKE AND FLAMES 102F, C03048460 (heat #2)
    Dunsmore Family Farms, St. Pauls, ON