The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair gratefully acknowledges The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Ltd. and Canadian Sheep Breeders Association for their contribution to the 2016 Royal Breeding Sheep Competition.
Ewe, 1st pair of temporary incisors in place
GREEN VALLEY 27G, CAN757347 Champion Ewe - Reserve GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
GREEN VALLEY 47G, CAN757349 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 6G, CAN755655 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
GREEN VALLEY 48G, CAN757350 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 4G, CAN757205 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
Special Slick Shorn Ewe Lamb
TALL OAKS 323G, [CAN]753637 Heidi Kristufek, Fergus, ON
VIC RR CE 198G, CAN757757 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
GREEN VALLEY 11G, CAN757342 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
OAK GENERATION 101G, CAN758710 Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
OAK GENERATION 20G, CAN758708 Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
DERRTAIL RR CE 29G, CAN757731 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
Ewe, Yearling 3rd pair of temporary incisors in place
GREEN VALLEY 18F, CAN746290 Champion Ewe Lloyd Ayre Memorial Trophy Grand Champion Ewe GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
GREEN VALLEY 11F, CAN746289 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 29F, CAN744834 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
GREEN VALLEY 25F, CAN746292 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
FAKELOVE 8F, CAN744474 Heidi Kristufek, Fergus, ON
Slick Shorn Ewe Yearling pair of temporary incisors in place
GREEN VALLEY 6F, CAN746255 GreenValley & Mountain View, Rockwood, ON
OAK GENERATION 215F, CAN758709 Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
Ram, 1st pair of temporary incisors in place
GREEN VALLEY 9G, CAN757341 Champion Ram GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
GREEN VALLEY 15G, CAN755350 Champion Ram - Reserve GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 10G, CAN757206 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 1G, CAN757204 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
Special Slick Shorn Ram Lamb
GREEN VALLEY 31G, CAN757786 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
SERRGE CE 5G, CAN757726 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
GREEN VALLEY 3G, CAN753872 Pretty View Farms, Fergus, ON
NORRMAN CE 188G, CAN757729 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
HUGH QR CE 41G, CAN757727 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
Ram, Yearling 3rd pair of temporary incisors in place
GREEN VALLEY 5F, CAN746254 GreenValley & Mountain View, Rockwood, ON
BELL'S PRIDE 30F, CAN744835 Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
Get of Sire
Group of three animals by the same sire, at least one must be owned by the exhibitor.
GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
Rideau Valley Hampshires, Kars, ON
Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
Progeny of Dam
Two (2) animals dammed by the same ewe
GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
GreenValley & Mountain View, Rockwood, ON
Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
Breeder's Flock Bred & Owned by the Exhibitor
Group of four animals of one breed.
GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON Premier Breeder Premier Exhibitor