The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair gratefully acknowledges The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Ltd. and Canadian Sheep Breeders Association for their contribution to the 2016 Royal Breeding Sheep Competition.
Special Slick Shorn Ewe Lamb
TALL OAKS 323G, [CAN]753637 Heidi Kristufek, Fergus, ON
VIC RR CE 198G, CAN757757 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON
GREEN VALLEY 11G, CAN757342 GreenValley Hampshires, Guelph, ON
OAK GENERATION 101G, CAN758710 Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
OAK GENERATION 20G, CAN758708 Oak Generation Farm, Elmwood, ON
DERRTAIL RR CE 29G, CAN757731 Emke & Wright Livestock, Elmwood, ON