Field Crops
Show Results (2024)
- Kim & Dawn Turnbull, Canfield, ON
- Raymond Wilson, Ancaster, ON
- Brooke Young, Mount Hope, ON
- Daniel Schweyer, Hagersville, ON
- Scott Sowden, Port Dover, ON
- View all classes
- Winter White Wheat, AV, Named
- Winter Red Wheat, AV, Named
- Oats, AV, Named
- Barley, 2 Row, Named
- Barley, 6 Row, Named
- Soybeans, AV, Named-less than 3000 Heat Units
- Soybeans, AV, Named- Heat Units 3000 or greater
- I.P. Soybeans A.V. named
- Legume Seed, Named
- 4 kgs or 10 lbs of shelled corn ( previous year eligible)
- 10 Ears of Hyb. Corn with Heat Units less than 3000
- 10 ears of Hybrid Corn with heat units 3000 or greater
- 1/2 Bushel of Hyb. Corn on Ear, AV, Heat Units< 3000
- 1/2 Bushel of Hyb. Corn on Ear, AV, Heat Units 3000 & Greater
- 15 Ears of Hybrid Corn - Field Run
- Sheaf of Corn - Sileage (10 stocks) A.V. named
- Sheaf of Grain Corn (10 stocks) A.V. named
- Sample of Corn-Silage, AV, named, 4l sample size
- 6 Inch Slice of Baled Hay, First Cutting Mixed
- 6 Inch Slice of Baled Hay, First Cut., Legume
- 6 Inch Slice of Baled Hay, Other Than 1st Cut.Mixed, not new seedlings
- 6 Inch Slice of Baled Hay, Other Than 1st Cut Legume, not new seedlings
- Sheaf of Wheat, Variety Correctly Named
- Sheaf of Oats, Variety Correctly Named
- Sheaf of Barley, Variety Correctly Named
- Beginners Class - Any Grain