Specials for the 2024 Honey, Beeswax & Mead Competiton: Amateur include:
Champion / Reserve - Other than White Liquid Honey
Awarded in both Amatuer and Professional sections. 1st and 2nd exhibits of classes 2, 3, and 4 are eilgible. Winner to recieve a rosette.
Grand Champion / Reserve - Liquid Honey
Awarded in both Amateur and Professional sections. Highest points of individual entries from champion classes 1 and 5. Winner to recieve a rosette.
Toronto District Beekeepers' Association Trophy
A trophy will be donated by the Toronto District Beekeepers' Association for the "Best Display of Honey & Beeswax".
Premier Exhibitor Award - Amateur
Presented by The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to the exhibitor with the highest number of points in the Honey Scetion 812A (classes 1-4, and 7). The winner will recieve a rosette.
Points will be awarded to each exhibitor as follows: 1st - 5, 2nd - 4, 3rd - 3, 4th - 2, 5th - 1
Chunk Honey
Three(3) 500g jars containing one piece of comb honey and the jar filled with liquid honey.
Mallory Scott, Mattawa, ON
Janice MacDonald, Pickering, ON
Second Nature Apiary, Toronto, ON
Little Dipper Homestead/Flock & Hive, Claremont, ON