Specials for the 2024 Honey, Beeswax & Mead Competiton: Amateur include:
Champion / Reserve - Other than White Liquid Honey
Awarded in both Amatuer and Professional sections. 1st and 2nd exhibits of classes 2, 3, and 4 are eilgible. Winner to recieve a rosette.
Grand Champion / Reserve - Liquid Honey
Awarded in both Amateur and Professional sections. Highest points of individual entries from champion classes 1 and 5. Winner to recieve a rosette.
Toronto District Beekeepers' Association Trophy
A trophy will be donated by the Toronto District Beekeepers' Association for the "Best Display of Honey & Beeswax".
Premier Exhibitor Award - Amateur
Presented by The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to the exhibitor with the highest number of points in the Honey Scetion 812A (classes 1-4, and 7). The winner will recieve a rosette.
Points will be awarded to each exhibitor as follows: 1st - 5, 2nd - 4, 3rd - 3, 4th - 2, 5th - 1